Best Gaming Devices For Call Of Duty: Mobile In 2024 — MacSources
Learn how I got 120 fps in-game with Call of Duty: Mobile while playing on a 32-inch external monitor at 4K
As a child of the 80s and 90s, I have been hardwired to play with controllers. So my first mobile gaming experience with touch controls was exciting but not addicting like playing Ninja Turtles or Mortal Kombat back in the day. When the iPhone started to get games like Fruit Ninja and Templerun, I found they were great for waiting rooms and appointments but they didn’t keep me motivated to jump back on with any regularity.
Call of Duty: Mobile was a game I was insanely happy to see hit the App Store back in 2019. Unfortunately, playing with touch controls was something I wasn’t thrilled with. Because of that, I think I uninstalled the app after my first match. A few years later after a death of a relative, I picked the game back up since I found a controller that held the iPhone above it in a mount. With controller support, I was hooked.
I’ve been a fan of Call of Duty: Mobile (CODM) for a few years now and during this time I’ve tried to…